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Project Management (Batam) |
¾°È»¡©ú ¡´ Host regular meetings with the project team, assign tasks and review the progress. ¡´ The project schedule planning (using scheduling tools or Excel). ¡´ Sample build planning and allocating. ¡´ Report the project progress. ¨ä¥L±ø¥ó ¡´ Bachelor's degree from any kind of disciplines ¡´ More than 5 years NPI (new product introduction) project management work experience, better once he/she has worked at some similar factory. ¡´ Strong leadership, at least 3 years experience in people management. ¡´ Have good cross department communication and negotiation skills. ¡´ Able to work well under pressure and handle emergency and stressful situations ¡´ Positive mindset and Can Do Attitude |
Purchasing (Batam) |
¾°È»¡©ú ¡´ Lead and manage the purchasing team by providing necessary coaching and support on purchasing activities as well as professional growth development in the department. ¡´ Develop and implement purchasing strategies to support production objectives while optimizing costs and maintaining quality standards. ¡´ Source and evaluate suppliers based on factors such as price, quality, reliability, and delivery speed. ¡´ Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including production managers, engineers, and quality assurance, to identify purchase needs and specifications. ¡´ Maintain accurate records of purchasing activities, including contracts, purchase orders, and supplier performance evaluations. ¡´ Monitor market trends and supplier performance to identify opportunities for cost savings, process improvements, and risk mitigation. ¡´ Resolve supplier issues and disputes in a timely manner to ensure continuity of supply and minimize production disruptions. ¡´ Perform all other related duties as assigned by your direct supervisor or General Manager ¨ä¥L±ø¥ó ¡´ Bachelor's degree in supply chain management, business administration, or business related field. Advanced degrees or relevant certifications are a plus. ¡´ At least 3 years of experience in purchasing or procurement role in production or manufacturing ¡´ Strong knowledge of supply chain management principles, procurement processes, and contract negotiation strategies. ¡´ Proficiency in procurement software and tools, such as ERP systems (SAP), e-procurement platforms, and spend analysis tools. ¡´ Strong negotiation and communication skills with the ability to build and maintain effective relationships with internal stakeholders and external suppliers. ¡´ Familiarity with quality management systems (ISO 9001, IATF 16949, etc.) and regulatory requirements (RoHS, REACH, etc.) in industrial products are preferred ¡´ Professional certifications in procurement or supply chain management (e.g., CSCP, CPSM) are a plus. ¡´ Able to work well under pressure and handle emergency and stressful situations ¡´ Positive mindset and Can Do Attitude |
CSR (Batam) |
¾°È»¡©ú ¡´ Develop and implement sales strategies, goals, and action plans to achieve targets and objectives set by management. ¡´ Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including product development, and customer support, to align sales initiatives with overall business objectives ¡´ Develop and maintain strong relationships with key customers and accounts, serving as a point of escalation for complex inquiries or issues. ¡´ Stay updated on industry trends, competitor activities, and market developments to inform strategic decision-making and stay ahead of the competition. ¡´ Prepare and present regular reports and updates on sales performance, trends, and forecasts to senior management. ¡´ Perform all other related duties as assigned by your direct supervisor or General Manager ¨ä¥L±ø¥ó ¡´ Develop and implement sales strategies, goals, and action plans to achieve targets and objectives set by management. ¡´ Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including product development, and customer support, to align sales initiatives with overall business objectives ¡´ Develop and maintain strong relationships with key customers and accounts, serving as a point of escalation for complex inquiries or issues. ¡´ Stay updated on industry trends, competitor activities, and market developments to inform strategic decision-making and stay ahead of the competition. ¡´ Prepare and present regular reports and updates on sales performance, trends, and forecasts to senior management. ¡´ Perform all other related duties as assigned by your direct supervisor or General Manager. |